Thanks for stopping by and exploring my little corner of the internet! It's an honor to have you here and have the opportunity to share my passions with you.
You may have scrolled through my pages and thought "Whoa. There's a lot going on here." You're right! I'm one of those people who just love to do a little bit of every thing. However, whether it's paint, photography, videography, social media, or written word, the one thing that ties them all together is the beauty of being able to capture a moment and make it last forever.
Okay, okay, now for the fun stuff. Who IS Adrianna?
Well, to REALLY know you'll have to contact me and find out ;) BUT for now, here's a couple of quick facts to give you a feel.

1) I'm based in Central Florida and live with my husband Robert and our sweet and spicy rescue pup Miss Juli June. Yes, she has a first, middle, and last name. Yes, we're obsessed.
2) I am a follower of Jesus trying to love others well and let them know him through me. I create simply out of the pure awe and admiration I have for the handiwork of my creator on this Earth. Psalm 19:1 says "The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands." and boy is it so so true.
ALSO, while I did nearly die laughing at THAT scene in Avengers Endgame with the exchange between Iron Man and StarLord, I now can't say follower of Jesus without thinking about it. Hopefully that tells you a little something about me too.
3) What a great segway into fact number three! I LOVE Marvel, DC, Disney, Theme Parks, cruising, and all of that fun stuff! Half the fun of any theatrical release is racing home after to watch the New Rockstars breakdown of it, just the facts. Robert and I have a goal of visiting every Disney theme park in the world and we have 3/6 down!
4) I love food. Seriously. I LOVE trying new things and if I can go to a restaurant and order a bunch of small plates instead of committing to one meal I am a happy girl. I won't say the reason I love working weddings so much is because I get to try so many different foods and desserts butttttt it's definitely a perk. I could never pick one favorite food, but sushi is high up there.
5) My education journey was an ADVENTURE. I started off in college on the pre-med track wanting to be an OBGYN. Don't get me wrong, while I still find birth absolutely fascinating and hope to become a midwife some time in the future, after failing Chemistry three times I had to face the facts and accept that science was not for me. I eventually graduated from the University of Florida with my degree in public relations, embraced my creative side, and worked in the corporate world for a little while doing social media/content creation for some big theme parks! Later, I felt a call to step out in faith and go full in on my own businesses and the rest is history!